Within the first microsecond of a subterranean blast, a fiery bubble
of vaporized rock forms at pressures of several million atmospheres. The
expanding gas forces open a cavity, while the shock wave pulverizes rock
as it expands into the surrounding earth, then travel for hundreds of miles
through the planet. Seismographic stations feel the waves as they pass beneath.
 | Infrasound Station |
the direction in which the bomb was exploded. Infrasound is a very young
field, and researchers are still working out the best configurations for
the spider families, as well as h
ow to differentiate an assortment
of atmospheric bangs and crackles such as volcanic explosions and meteor
Infrasound, hydroacoustic, and seismic sensors perform the same function
in different environment-they listen for shock waves then print out a corresponding
series of crests and troughs. But radiation detectors will provide a completely
different readout. |