All articles ©2012 by their authors. For reproduction requests, contact the Science Communication Program office for author's email address.

Students in the 2012 graduating class of the Science Communication Program,
University of California, Santa Cruz

Science Communication Program
Kresge College Annex A
UC Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Director and editor: Robert Irion
Phone: 831-459-4764

General program information:
Phone: 831-459-4475
Email Us

Students in the 2012 graduating class of the Science Illustration Program,
California State University, Monterey Bay

Science Illustration Program
California State University, Monterey Bay
Extended Education
100 Campus Center
University Corp. Bldg. Suite 201
Seaside, CA 93933

Director: Ann Caudle

General program information:
Phone: 831-582-3479
Email Us

Web design
Barbara McKenna
Gallery B

oaks story
lead story
spiders story
dengue story
robots story
algae story
volcanoes story
bamboo story
squid story

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